The Purpose of this Blog
This blog is born out of a desire to reach young ladies who want to grow spiritually as well as practically. Our desire here is to provide a safe and creative place where, not only young ladies can be confident of finding good material, but parents can as well! We want to encourage biblical womanhood lived out in everyday life. Be assured that we want to uphold godly convictions, with the Bible as our standard. Feel free to contact us with your thoughts or concerns at our Contact Page. May you be blessed by our efforts here at, To God be all the glory!
About the Author
Hello! My name is Evangeline or at least that is what my pseudonym is. I hope that I can relate to many of you, young ladies, as I myself am young and still have a lot to learn. My goal is to present truths found in God’s Word to you in a simple and creative way.
From what I have observed, there are not too many biblically founded sites for young ladies specifically. The need is apparent, there should be godly remodels for all people, all ages. Hopefully, you can find here an encouraging friend, a creative environment, and a life purpose. Wait and see how God is about to work in your life!
Statement of Faith
According to Romans 3:23, all people have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Thus, we as humanity, cannot attain righteousness on our own. No amount of good works or deeds can save us. Jesus Christ was sent to earth, by God, to pay our debt. Jesus came as a humble baby, lived a perfect life, and ultimately, He was falsely accused and put to death on a cross. On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead conquering the power of death and Satan. Romans 10:9-10 gives clear instruction for how to be saved. For more information read here.
Although, not necessary for salvation, baptism should be a Christian’s next step after salvation. Baptism is an outward and public proclamation of salvation.
The Bible
The Bible is God’s written word to us. It is the final authority for life. The Bible is written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Bible is relevant for today in every area of our lives. Here at In All These Things, we use the King James Version.