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Tag: maturity
Why we desire to know our ancestry and “home”.
I am not sure if others have ever experienced a deep overwhelming desire for “Home”. What I mean is, like in my case, England…
A Biblical Perspective on Modesty and Clothing – Part 2/3
Whether you realize it or not, the way you dress gives a clear and distinct message. A person has a natural impression when seeing the way that a person dresses. Often, in the Bible, clothing was used to indicate the inward condition of the heart. For example, there
A Biblical Perspective on Modesty and Clothing – Part 1/3
Table of Contents Preface I realize that the issue of modesty and clothing can be very controversial. It is an issue that is not completely lined out in scripture and yet, it affects who we are a great deal. I feel that it is a necessary issue to address. Each and every one of us…
Advice for Heading into the Teen Years
I am going to share my personal thoughts on the subject, and examples from Scripture of how God has used the teen years to make an impact for His kingdom.
Living a Life that Reflects Jesus
I backed up to get the context. Peter and John had just healed the lame man, who, by the way, was older than forty (Acts 4:22) in the name of Jesus. Peter began to speak about the things concerning Jesus, with boldness. A crowd gathered and the authorities were aroused because of the ordeal. The…
The Higher Calling to Young People
Today, young people are caught between the typical teen lifestyle and unclear direction for godly living in this season.