“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”
John 14:2-3
My recent “hobby” has been studying my family history; genealogy. One thing that drives me to do it is the longing to discover who our ancestors were and where they lived. The place that would be considered as our family’s “main land”. Where did our ancestor’s settle and why?
I believe that the Bible is completely accurate. Therefore, all mankind came from Adam, and then following the flood, one of Noah’s three sons. So, in all reality it shouldn’t matter. In addition, one generation lives then dies to leave the next to follow in their footsteps. However, history is important! God, Himself, wrote accounts in His word of generations and of families and their lands.
The important part of history is to see God at work.
From history we can learn from the mistakes of our ancestors and give God glory for all that He has done. Look for God in history, for He truly worked and continues to work.
As for my family’s history, on both my dad and mom’s side they go back to somewhere in the United Kingdom. Even in one branch, supposedly, going back, to the year 1464, in what would be today, northern part of England. One man, who was born in 1489, made his home in a castle at Scotland.
All this to say, I am not sure if others have ever experienced a deep overwhelming desire for “Home”. What I mean is, like in my case, England and Scotland are places where my ancestors walked, lived, and died. The land, castles, places, scenery, culture, and traditions are overwhelming. There is almost a secret longing for that other land. Is this normal or right seeing that there is no reason to heed such feelings?
Something old, nostalgic, is beckoning us to incline our ears. Hear the ancient paths that our patriarchs walked. Especially, the Christian heritage gifted to so many of us. They that walked with the scripture as their guide, they that called upon the God of their ancestors, and they that knew the Spirit of God leading them through to the next step in life. Calling some to stay, others to sojourn; some to war and conquest, while others to peace. Are you leading your generation to follow in the steps of Jesus?

What is that which calls us to certain lands, to traditions, to ceremony, to patriotism?
Is it that for an earthly home? Why are those feeling there? Let me be bold to say that, those desires are from God. That burning and aching is God-given. It can, no doubt, drive people to seek that which is not God-given. Materialism, greed, and social statis are not the things that God wants us to seek! Although he give us money, lands, and position, they are not the ultimate prize. I believe those desires are to push us to seek something and somewhere higher. Don’t get caught up in earthly things but seek God.
The desires that are within our hearts is to have a family to love, a home to live in, and a king to pledge our allegiance to. All earthly kings will fail, lands are plundered and left, and the family we fight for will die one member at a time. What is there to live for on Earth? The desire doesn’t go away, even after material wealth comes and goes. Never satisfied.
There is that which satisfies.
However, it is not of this world. Jesus came. Our King, who laid down His vary life that we may live. That we may live, not a life on this fallen and forsaken Earth, but in the Celestial City. Where, the splendor and elegance of any castle on Earth with all it’s ancient symbols and priceless articles, the history of which is written in the elaborate walls and the crimson carpets such glory will sorely pass away into a dim faint silhouette compared to the majesty of Heaven. Not a distant cloudy city in the sky, but a palace, a mansion, of eminence refuge and strength. A place where the lowest parts of the city, the places trampled on by foot are made of gold. Eternal and timeless. Filled with majesty and splendor above human comprehension. Various Jewels and pearls, inset to walls and gates, glints with glorious colors and grandeur. Above all, the source of all light radiates from our great and magnificent God.
Are you heading there? If you are not sure here is an article to answer some questions.
This World is not our Home.
Lastly, I propose to you, that the yearning for the land of your ancestor’s, the aching for a country to align allegiance, and a King to serve is not to be fulfilled in this world. I will leave you with one thought. Actually, it was one of my family’s saying of old… “Heaven Not Earth.”
Ohmygoodness! This article just wiped me out! So good!
Three statements to sum up my thoughts while reading…
1) “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” (Jeremiah 6:16)
2) The cry of the Covenantors (from which we are a part), “No king, but King Jesus!”
3) And, yes, “Heaven Not Earth!” Amen!!!
You have a very rich and godly heritage. It is obvious, that you have been called to be the torchbearer that keeps that heritage alive and burning within the hearts and lives of future generations, both in the natural world and the spiritual. Keep that torch burning brightly!